To report/enter a game score click on the link below OR, go to the current session posted Game Schedule. You must be a coach and/or manager for a team entered in a current UAYSL session. The winning team reports the game score. In the case of a tie - Home team enters the score. To enter a game score you will need to enter the Score Entry PIN for the specific session as indicated below. You will also need either the specific Match Number or you can search for the correct game using the provided filters.
To report/enter a score from the Posted Game Schedule Screen: Click the "Scoring Input" link in the top right corner of the main schedule screen. When prompted enter the PIN, click "submit", enter match number or search for the correct game - then enter score.
Score Entry PIN: 2024
Report Scores Here
**Scores & Standings for 08U 5v5 and 9U & 10U - 7v7 Divisions will not be published**